Dodge Charger Adjustable Lowering Springs


Dodge Charger Adjustable Lowering Springs Hellcat Function and Form


Prepare to elevate your driving experience with the Function and Form Suspension Adjustable Lowering Springs installation in your Dodge Charger. Before diving into the process, consider this additional step:


Pre-Step: Measure Suspension Height and Set Drop Goals:

Start by removing the existing suspension from your Dodge Charger. Before proceeding, measure the height of the suspension to establish a baseline. With your specific wheel specs in mind, determine how much of a drop you desire. This preliminary step ensures that your Function and Form Suspension Adjustable Lowering Springs installation aligns with your customization goals.

Now, proceed with the following installation steps:


1. Safely Remove Dodge Charger Suspension:

Elevate your Dodge Challenger securely than remove wheel to than remove air strut out of the vehicle.


Dodge Challenger Charger Spring Compressor Sleeve Kit


2. Use a Spring Compressor Set:

Employ a spring compressor set to safely extract the top hat from your Dodge Challenger’s suspension.


Dodge Challenger Charger Hellcat Sleeve Spring Kit Install


3. Remove Spring and Top Hat :

Removing the old spring and top hat from your Dodge Challenger’s suspension assembly to make room for the adjustable lowering spring kit.


Dodge Challenger Charger Hellcat Sleeve Spring Install

Dodge Challenger Charger Adjustable Lowering Springs Install


4. Upgrade with Function and Form Sleeve Kit:

Insert the spring coupler over your OEM Shock, mounting the springs, and securing the top hat for a precision fit .


Dodge Challenger Charger Spring Preload


5. Adjust 3-5mm Preload:

Attain optimal performance with the Function and Form Suspension Dodge Charger Adjustable Lowering Springs by setting a 3-5mm preload. Prevent unwanted suspension noises and guarantee a smooth ride with this essential step.


Complete Install Dodge Challenger Charger Adjustable Lowering Springs Aar Alignment


6. Complete Alignment:

Once you have completed your install to dial in your suspension and save your tires we recommend getting an alignment making the final adjustment to bring your suspension to life. This will make sure that your suspension is working together.


Enhance your Dodge Challenger’s ride with confidence by incorporating this pre-step, ensuring a tailored drop that aligns with your vision. Follow the subsequent installation guide for the Function and Form Suspension Sleeve Kit, prioritizing safety and precision throughout the process.


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